How Does the Claims Process with a Public Adjuster Work?

Your insurance claims process starts with our PA working with you to understand what happened, ensure your claims have coverage, and gather documentation. Then we submit your claims to the insurance company.

  • Assess Damage – While the first step is over and claims are reported, our PA will conclude the inspection and document all the damages. This step is the foundation for our negotiations with the insurance company to get you the settlement you deserve. We will spend the time it takes to comprehensively evaluate your property to prepare an estimate of the amount necessary to repair all of the damage.
  • Negotiate – We are trained in the science and art of effective negotiation. The insurance company may insist that you comply with “post-loss obligations” under the policy and require various things from you. We lead you through all the details, establishing your claims and protecting your rights. At this stage, we bring together all the facts to negotiate with the insurance company’s handling/desk adjusters to get the money you deserve.
  • Demand Payment – We will use our estimate of the damage and other items that may be allowed under the terms of your policy and our experience to prepare a demand package for the insurance company. We let them know the amount that you should be paid. If you go through the claims process alone, here’s where you’re likely to get more push-back from the insurance company and become a victim of deny-delay-defend practices or be offered a lowball settlement.